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Invoicing, Step-by-Step

Once projects have been setup, billing rates have been established, and time/expenses have been collected or imported from QuickBooks, you are ready to create invoices in BigTime.

With BigTime, the invoicing process is designed to run in "batch mode" (so invoices for several projects can be created at once). The basic step-by-step is outlined below:

  1. Create one or more "draft" invoices from the Tools...Invoice, Create Drafts screen. Draft invoices for any combination of projects and any combination of invoice "formats" can all be created at the same time. See Creating Draft Invoices.
  2. Review/Edit those draft invoices. You can have a single person make adjustments to the draft invoices, route them to your managers so they can review them, make edits to the invoice "line items" or to the billing data for individual time or expense entries, or do none of the above! See Editing Invoices.
  3. Post your Draft invoices to QuickBooks. This posting process converts a draft invoice into a "final" invoice, and it's also when BigTime can be asked to pull things like terms, due dates or invoice numbers from QuickBooks. See Posting Invoices to QuickBooks.
  4. Print/Email Invoice Documents to your Customers. You turn an invoice into a document by selecting a printed format for it. You can print out that document and mail it to your customers, or you can store the resulting PDF in the system and email it instead. See Creating/Printing Invoice Documents.

See Also


Invoicing in BigTime, an Overview

Invoicing, Project Setup

Billing QuickBooks Vendor Expenses in BigTime

Specialized Invoicing Requirements