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Invoicing, Project Setup

You only need to setup a project's invoicing options once, and most users do that right before they create their first draft invoice. You'll use the Contracts menu (in the project' dashboard) to setup both Invoice Format options and Billing Rates.

Every project has its own invoice setting, and you'll control those settings from the project's dashboard. The Contract... Invoice Format page can be used to tell BigTime exactly how you'd like a project's invoices to be produced.

We'll cover many of the options on that page in the sections that follow. While you may decide to do more, the primary settings you'll want to verify for each project in your system are:

  1. The invoice template, which tells BigTime what type of invoice you'd like to create (e.g. - T&M, fixed fee, etc.). We review those options first.
  2. The sub-total options, which determine how much detail you have on your invoice. Most of what you'll need to know about sub-totalling is covered in this chapter.
  3. The project's billing rates, which determine the hourly rate at which you bill.

See Also


Invoicing in BigTime, an Overview

Billing QuickBooks Vendor Expenses in BigTime

Invoicing, Step-by-Step

Specialized Invoicing Requirements