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List/Lookup Values

The system settings menu is where most of BigTime's list and lookup values are controlled. While all of the lists in the system are pre-filled when you install the program (based on the industry you select), you can adjust those lists from the System Settings menu whenever you'd like.

See Also


The Tools Menu

Timesheet Settings

Expense Entry Configuration

System Vocabulary

Status Codes

Custom Fields

Workflow Management

Security Settings

Multi-Currency Support

Field/Lookup Values

Labor codes, expense codes, invoice types, cost centers and status code are all things that are unusual enough to warrant their own area within the System Settings menu. In addition to these items, there are a number of lookup lists which can be edited using the Tools...System Settings...Field (Lookup) Values screen. These pick lists include:

Data in each of these lists can be "sorted" from the main screen, and you can edit existing values by clicking on them. New values are added using the ADD button, and you can delete an existing value by clicking on it and then hitting the delete key on the detail screen. Note that values which are in use are flagged (so you can see how many records would be altered if you change or delete an entry).