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The Tools Menu

Most of the configuration options in the system are controlled from within the Tools menu, and (typically) only system administrators have access to that menu. Before we review specific settings within the system, it's helpful to understand how the Tools menu is organized.

System Settings

The majority of the options we'll talk about configuring in this chapter are controlled from menu items in the System Settings sub-menu. Within that menu, there are a couple of pages where the majority of the system's controls are located.

General Settings Page

The very first item in the Tools...System Settings menu is the General Settings page. Here, you'll see a long list of options and settings that are grouped into general categories: period settings, daily routine settings, library settings, timesheet setup, expense entry settings, etc. We'll address some of these settings in detail, and we'll refer to others as a general "group" as their functionality is fairly simple.

Vocabulary Settings

You can change the way BigTime refers to clients, jobs, budget items, labor codes and more using the System Settings...Vocabulary page.

Field (Lookup) Values

This menu allows you to edit the various lookup values that appear throughout the system. With the exception of labor codes, expense codes and status codes (all of which have their own dedicated menu items), most of the system pick lists are edited here.

BigTime Security Settings

We'll address security at length in this chapter, but the screen which controls most of the security permissions in the system (e.g. - what users get access to what screens/functions) is located beneath the Tools...System Settings menu.

See Also


Timesheet Settings

Expense Entry Configuration

System Vocabulary

List/Lookup Values

Status Codes

Custom Fields

Workflow Management

Security Settings

Multi-Currency Support