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Expense Review/Approval

Manager Review is an optional step (for both time and expenses). If you activate it, then managers have a chance to review/approve expenses before they are used in invoices or posted to QuickBooks.

Expense review/approval is setup just like timesheet review/approval, so take a look at the Timesheets chapter for more detailed information.

Typical Workflow

When management review is turned on, BigTime assumes that the majority of expenses submitted by a user will be accepted by their manager(s). Managers can make minor corrections to specific entries on-the-fly -- eliminating delays and streamlining the entire approval process.

Once a user submits their expenses, that information is forwarded to managers for approval. You can have the system notify managers via email when they have expenses to approve, or you can simple have managers browse to the Management...Review Expenses menu items to see what entries are there for them to review.

Users can be notified via email that their submissions have been rejected, and they can use the Daily Routine menu to review those rejected entries and make whatever adjustments are required. Once they're done, they can re-submit those expenses and the entire review process starts again.

See Also

Expense Reports

Understanding Expenses in BigTime

Entering Expenses

Offline Expense Entry

Administrative Entry

Deleting Expense Reports

Service Fees

Adjusting Expense Field Values