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Project Lookup Styles

The project lookup style determines what your employees see when they ask for a drop-down list of projects. The setting is controlled from within the Timesheet Settings section (at the bottom of the Tools...System Settings...General Settings page), but that setting effects every project lookup list in the system (not just the one on the timesheet entry form).

Lookup Examples

BigTime is organized around projects. A single client has at least one project (even if the projet is just "general consulting"), and you can have several.

If your company isn't project based, then you probably care more about the client selection than the project, so you'll probably just want to see a simple client list. If you are project based, then you may want to see a customer heading with projects listed beneath it. BigTime can accommodate these (and many other) project lookup styles. You can change your lookup style by selecting a new one from the Lookup Style pick list.

That pick list is updated regularly with new lookup styles (and the system even supports custom lookup styles which our professional services team can create for you), below is a list of the most popular styles:






Shows a simple list of project display names with no grouping. The entries in the list are sorted alpha by display name.

QB Fullname


Lookup Style, QuickBooks Fullname


This lookup format is popular among QuickBooks users, since it shows all of the projects in the system listed by their Fullname (customer:job) as it appears in QuickBooks. The list is sorted by that value as well, and users see the QuickBooks customer name instead of the BigTime client name in this list, values which may differ slightly.

This format is also popular among QuickBooks users that have a sub-project structure in QB that they would like to maintain in their timesheet pick lists.



Lookup Style, ClientProject


This list shows a hierarchy with the client name as a heading and the project name as a selectable line. Note that the display name is not used in this lookup style (although project searches are always based on the project display name).



Lookup Style, ClientDName


This lookup style is just like the client:project hierarchy, but the "selection" line contains the project portion of the project's display name (e.g. - anything that shows up after the first colon (":") character).

The display name for the first item in this sample list, for example, is Allstate:747 - 123 Eastern Avenue.



Lookup Style, IDName

This simple list omits the customer name entirely and sorts the entire list of projects by ID instead of by name.

See Also

Timesheet Settings

Weekly Formats

Grid Formats

Spreadsheet Formats

Labor Codes

Auto-Text Values