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Corporate/Charge Card Integration

BigTime can be used to enter corporate card expenses (e.g. - items that are purchased by your staff using a corporate card). If your firm would like to track corporate card expenses, you'll need to configure the system properly.

Assuming the system has been setup to allow corporate card expense entry, then users simply enter them just like any other expense, but they are flagged as "corporate card" expenses (so you won't include them on your employee bills when those expense reports are posted into QuickBooks).

See Also


Posting Employee Expenses

How QB Vendor Expenses Are Imported

Collecting/Posting Corporate Charges

When a user submits an expense report with corporate card charges on it, those corporate charge expenses fall into an "un-posted pool" of corporate charges. You can grab all of those charges (or just a sub-set of them), and post them to QuickBooks.

  1. Goto the Tools... QuickBooks Data... Post Credit Card Charges page. There, you'll see a list of all the unposted Credit Card charges that exist in BigTime.

    Post Credit Card Charges (1)

  2. Check off the charges you'd like to post. You can combine these expenses in any way you'd like, and you can include expenses from any project, any date range and any user on the same "consolidated" corporate charge expense report. Typically, users will check off expenses that appear on the same credit card bill and post those as one report.
  3. Click the NEXT button at the top of the page to specify the type of report you're going to create, and to select a specific credit card account and vendor.
Creating/Posting a Credit Card Expense Report

Once you've selected the items you'd like to generate a report from, you'll see a page similar to the one shown here. You can decide which credit card account/vendor you'd like to link these expenses to, and then click the GO button to create a new expense report.

Posting Credit Card Charges (Second Screen).

Once the credit card expense report has been created, you can post it to QuickBooks as a bill, just like any other expense report. Note that these "credit card" reports are linked to a specific credit card vendor account (not to an employee in BigTime).

Post Expense Reports (corporate card report checked off)

Even though these expenses are posted as a separate "bill" to QuickBooks, you'll still be able to see the expenses associated with that credit card bill on the employee's expense report detail page(s).

Posting Charges as Credit Card Charges

If you'd rather take advantage of the QuickBooks credit card reconciliation screens, then you can post your credit card charges as "charges" in QuickBooks (instead of as a bill payable to the credit card vendor).

To accomplish that, you'll follow the same steps you did when creating a vendor bill for credit card charges (above).

  1. Goto the Tools... QuickBooks Data... Post Credit Card Charges page.
  2. Check off the charges you'd like to post.
  3. Click the NEXT button at the top of the page to specify the type of report you're going to create, and to select a specific credit card account and vendor.
  4. On the second page, select your credit card account just like you did in the instructions above.
  5. Check off the "Charge Transaction" posting option, at the bottom of the page. This will let the system know that a separate "credit card charge" should be created for each line item on the bill.

Now, when you post the credit card bill you create, it will create a series of credit card charge items (instead of a vendor bill). Note that each charge is a separate "transaction" in QuickBooks (there is no way to list all of the charges on a single credit card "charge" item and still allow you to reconcile each one separately).

Deleting Credit Card Bills

Whether you intend to post these credit card charges as a "bill" (payable to the credit card company) or as separate "credit card charge" documents, BigTime pulls all of the charges you've selected onto a virtual expense report that can be posted to QuickBooks collectively.

If that virtual expense report is ever deleted, the credit card charges that are attached to it will simply drop right back into the "un-collected" pool of charges.

If you make a mistake and want to re-select the items on your virtual expense report, just delete it and re-create it.