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Editing Invoice Templates

You can get to a list of all BigTime's invoice templates by browsing to your Tools... System Settings... Invoice Types screen. There, you'll see 2 template lists: one list of the "standard" BigTime templates, and one list of the templates that you've created on your own.

You can click on any of these templates to edit it. When you do, you'll see a screen similar to the one shown below. This template screen shows the "T&M" invoice format.

Invoice Template: Edit Screen

See Also

Invoice Templates

Who Should Read This Chapter

T&M Invoicing Explained

Invoice Sub-Totalling

Additional Template Examples

Line Item Variables

Line Item Functions

Editing Line Items

The T&M invoice format has two line items in the template file: "Time Charges" and "Expenses." To edit the "time charges" line item, we just click on it. When we do, the system will pop up a screen that looks similar to the one shown below.