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In This Chapter

BigTime's Staff List Page

Adding New Staff

Staff Information, an Overview

Security and Staff Member Rights

Staff-Based Budgeting

Whether you're a business owner, or a director in charge of a group of employees or contractors, you can use BigTime to stay on top of your staff and their activity. This chapter is dedicated to showing you how.

In this section of the manual, we'll cover adding and removing staff members, editing their access rights, assigning them to teams, editing basic information and creating budgets for the projects on which your team is staffed. We'll also cover some of the financial numbers that BigTime helps you keep track of (like utilization, capacity, etc.) and we'll talk about how BigTime calculates each of those numbers in the system.

If you're a QuickBooks user, then your employee list has already been imported into the system from QuickBooks, so you won't need to add new staff (unless you have vendors or contractors you'd like to add to the system). Even though your staff list has already been populated, you'll use the staff list right away to edit each staff member's login and security credentials.