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Expense Categories

Every expense entry must be linked to a specific category. You can view expense categories the same way you view labor codes on timesheets (e.g. - as short hand for notes), but there are a couple of additional items that we use the category field to determine.

Importing Other Charge/Inventory Items to Your BigTime Expense Category List

If you're using QuickBooks to track and bill expenses, then you may already have a set of "other charge" or "inventory" items that you'd like to use in BigTime. If you do, you can replace your BigTime expense categories with those items by following these simple steps:

  1. Goto the Tools...System Settings...List/Lookups...Expense Categories screen (from the BigTime main menu).
  2. Click "replace these with my QuickBooks items" in the information box on that page. The system will replace your items with the appropriate items from your QuickBooks data file. Note that any item that already has expenses attached to it will NOT be deleted from BigTime during this update.

See Also

Expense Entry Configuration

Expense Entry Formats

Charge Card Expense Entry Setup