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Expense Entry Formats

The system ships with a small number of standard expense entry formats. The two most popular are Expense_1.htm and Expense_2.htm (the former does not have a data entry field for specifying an estimate item for each expense, and the latter does). There are also a small set of specialized forms for GST/VAT entry and for multi-currency entry.

BigTime's professional services team can create customized expense entry formats that are unique to your firm if you have specialized needs. Just let you sales rep know, and they'll put you in touch with a BigTime consultant.

See Also

Expense Entry Configuration

Expense Categories

Charge Card Expense Entry Setup

GST Entry

If your firm needs to track GST taxes (Canadian or Australian), then you'll need to use the Expense_2CA.htm expense entry format. This format provides a GST field within the edit pane that can be used to enter the GST portion of each expense your staff records in BigTime.

VAT Entry

If you are tracking international expenses with a VAT component, then the Expense_2VAT.htm file will provide a VAT Tax field in the expense edit pane which will enable your staff to record the VAT tax associated with each expense entry they log into the system.

Multi-Currency Formats

There are three multi-currency expense entry formats that ship out of the box with BigTime. Each one allows the user to select the currency that an expense is entered in, and then converts that expense to the firm's "home currency" on the fly. Note that each of these formats will require that you setup multi-currency support in BigTime, so take a look at that section of the System Guide or online help for more details on how to activate it.

Expense_2MC.htm is a standard multi-currency expense entry format, and Expense_2MCCA.htm or Expense_2MCVAT.htm both provide the same functionality with the addition of a GST or VAT field respectively. In all of these formats, foreign currency amounts are converted to the home currency at the time of entry based on the exchange rate in the system at that time.