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Dataset Parameter Listing

Most of the variables you can merge into the system use the following format:


In this format, the [VariableName] should be pulled from the list below. [DefaultValue] is optional, and it indicates what the system should plug in if the user makes no selection. You should always use a default value (in order to make sure your compiled SQL statements don't fail due to missing data).




The start date on which a report should be based. Note that this value is typically passed as a string value (YYYYMMDD)



The END date for the period on which a report should be based. Note that this value is typically passed as a string value (YYYYMMDD)



The starting period for a report (for reports which select only a single period, this variable will contain that value).



If the report is based on a range of periods, then this will contain the ending period.



If this report is based on a single project ID, then this value contains that selected project id (SystemID).



If this report is based on a selected set of projects, then this item will contain a comma separated list of all projects selected.


1 if the user has checked off the "Show All Projects" checkbox.



If this report is based on a single client ID, then this value contains that selected project id (SystemID).



Returns 1 ONLY if the user has system permission 2.8 ("show all projects). Otherwise, returns 0.



If this report is based on a single staff member, then this value contains that selected staff id (StaffSID).



If this report is based on a selected set of staff members, then this item will contain a comma separated list of all staff ID's selected.



The user has checked off the box marked "show all staff" in the staff selection section.



TRUE (1) if the user has permission to see (and has ASKED to see) all staff. Otherwise, assume that the report should return only staff they manage.



When you are working with a custom invoice, this variable contains a list of all the invoice ID's the user has asked to print. You can use it in an IN clause as follows: InvoiceSID IN(<#VAR=INV_SID_LIST;0>).


If one of your sorting options is the "staff sorting" selection, then the user's selection is stored in this field.



A number (1-12) that indicates what project data should be grouped on.



Depending on the sort-type for the report, this will return a number indicating the desired secondary sort order for data. Keep in mind that report sorting options are pulled from RptSort.TXT files in your C:\Program Files\ BigTime\ IIS\ HTML\ Lookups directory.



(See MISC_SORT). This value is only filled in if you've specified more than one sort order option.



Fill in an item in the "Additional Report Parameters" Section. This value returns either a 0 (false) or a 1 (true) based on whether or not the user has "checked off" your custom parameter check box.


Additional Parameters

In addition to the VAR type parameters that can be merged into your custom report SQL (based on the user's reporting selections), there are a handful of additional parameters that the system will automatically handle if you need to include them.




Merges the StaffSID (from tblStaff) of the user who is printing your report.



The "first weekday" selected for your company in the System Settings area.


See Also

Editing Report Data

ODBC Setup

Custom Report Data Sets